Progressing the World Expo '88 Vision - A non-government not-for-profit entity celebrating Brisbane's World Expo '88 - |
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A permanent physical Museum space celebrating World Expo '88 is an important goal of the Foundation. At present, permissions are being sought for possible permanent exhibition space on or nearby the former exposition site, from cabinet space to office space, dedicated floor/s space in a World Expo '88 heritage building, or a newly commissioned structure, while also recognizing the need to give greater heritage signage at items - art works, facilities, and buildings created and used for World Expo '88 - and at our principal World Expo '88 entrance points at and nearby South Bank Parklands today. So the heritage role for World Expo '88 is multifaceted - a principal venue for a Museum space for World Expo '88 - at South Bank - complemented with thematic signage and other innovative elements throughout the South Bank precinct and at its principal entrances. In this way, the Foundation Expo '88 vision is expressed. We celebrate the World Expo '88 heritage of our most prominent World Expo '88 international heritage item - the Nepal Peace Pagoda at South Bank - with the 2nd Level of the Pagoda reserved for the World Expo '88 Museum, and also look in ways in which the World Expo '88 - and Nepalese Experience can be celebrated at the entire Nepal Peace Pagoda Precinct. The Friends of the Pagoda Association, the Foundation's Association arm, looks after this. The South Bank Flag Forecourt is recurated and recommissioned with chief World Expo '88 heritage art works, and, the principal entrance Information Towers at each entrance to South Bank contain the World Expo '88 logo and text reference to World Expo '88, i.e. "Welcome! You are now entering the former site of World Expo '88 - the 1988 World Exposition - and 1788-1988 Bicentennial Australia's largest party! Enjoy your stay!". At the centre of the Cultural Centre Overpass walkway, a UV-protected glass pyramid prism (as per the prisms used for the Expo's entrance's talking clone Droid Robots) could house a spiral cone display structure featuring some of the official memorabilia and audio-visual components of the Expo. The walkway - at the South Bank side of the Victoria Bridge, and the principal pedestrian flyover overpass for visitors to the Queensland Cultural Centre and the northern gates of the Expo - was one of the principal entrances to the Exposition precinct, and a new structure at the time of Expo. The Expo's 6-story high wire frame globe, heralding all near and far of their proximity to the Expo site, was also located here at the centre of the overpass. Further changes here could see the "Cultural Centre" Busway Interchange being re-named to "World Expo Interchange", with graphic arts depictions on the history of World Expositions as well as Brisbane's 1988 Exposition - giving citizens and visitors a frequent reminder of Brisbane's important role as a modern 'Expo City'. And, one of the clone Robot Droids of the Expo being re-commissioned at one of South Bank Parklands entrances - greeting visitors in a multitude of languages much like they did during Expo. In the meantime, during your next visit to South Bank, visit the First Level of the Nepal Peace Pagoda where a series of commemorative exhibits, displays and activities celebrate World Expo '88 and the Pagoda's rich Nepalese heritage. Launched for the National Trust of Queensland Queensland Heritage and ICOMOS International Museums Week in May 2007 at the Pagoda, and with the generous support of South Bank Corporation, Brisbane City Council, and Image Plus Digital Imaging Indooroopilly, these special activities and displays, including the Pagoda's Guided Tour program, World Expo '88 Network Guide Pamphlet Edition 2.0 May 2007, 44" stretched canvas double-sided World Expo '88 Panorama Photograph Exhibition, and the World Expo '88 Memorabilia Cabinet, with curated items of some of the popular official memorabilia of the Expo, is a free every day exhibition, and hopefully a sneak preview of the World Expo '88 Museum for the Second Level for the 40th anniversary in 2028 perhaps? The Museum collection comprises of purchases made by the Foundation, and donations from kind individuals and organisations and feature at the Pagoda's first level display cabinet at South Bank as well as feature as a virtual Museum space on this website. The Museum Archives as featured on this site are representative of the whole collection and represent an important measure to make the popular culture of World Expo 88 memorabilia viewable on the World Wide Web. For
Information on the Foundation Expo 88 Museum
Collection Policy, please visit here.
For Information on the proposal to create a World Expo '88 Museum at the Pagoda's Second Level, please visit here. If there is a
piece of World Expo '88 memorabilia you would like
to share - either as a donation, or as a scanned
image for the Foundation web-site, please contact
Founder and Webmaster John McGregor, via e-mail
In the meantime,
feel free to browse the contents of our present
small but growing collection.